Wednesday, 26 August 2020

Bee bot maze

Today we wrote instructions for bee bots and when we done that we used blocks to see were it goes and the blocks had to go 15 cm apart because that's how far the bee bot moves.  Then when we did that we would put the bee bots through the course.                                                                                                                                                                                                              

Friday, 21 August 2020

Tuahine Lighthouse

     Today we did google drawings and we made the Tuahine Lighthouse, how I made it was I used blocks and scribble lines  and that's how I made the hill and sand  and I had fun doing this.

Shine on your path means shine your own path and that means staying focused on your work.

Thursday, 20 August 2020

Beatbot travles

Today we put in commands into beatbots  and we commanded them to go thru a story and the way I programed mine was forwinds right forwinds right fourwinds then right then forwinds then left then forwind 3 times then go left then forwinds. 

Wednesday, 5 August 2020

Going to Enviro Centre

On Thursday we went to the Enviro Centre  when we arrived at the inviro senator on a bus we walk thou a garden then into a big store then we walk into a room 4 people then they intorchesed there self then we got into group and we went to erie in the store the first place I when was